You've done it again! Congrats, you're going to sell more books, and all you had to do was call former VP candidate John Edwards a "faggot" today! Yay, more progress for the human race! Way to keep your base happy! Hey, you know what, that's a pretty snappy insult, and a very creative term you used. If you don't mind, I'm going to use one, and go "old school" too, as I enjoy insulting people at random too. I hope you enjoy my word of the day.
Never has the word "CUNT" ever had a more vivid, colorfully bleached blond image that could be applied to it. Ann Coulter is a cunt. No need to politicize it, as Al Swearengen would say, “she's a hard cunt, period. Now break out some of those fuckin' peaches Tom!” (DEADWOOD IS AWESOME)
Someone needs to sit her down, not let her move or speak, and read all her books to her. Real slow. Get someone from France who speaks poor English to read it all to her so it hurts more. Afterwards, she may still agree with all that crazy shit she spews, but at the very least I think she'd react with a, "Geesh, I'm kind of cunty aren't I?"
From attacking grieving widows, to using racial slurs or calling presidential candidates “faggots”. Lil’ Annie Douche surprises no one with her professional hate mongering. Oh, and as for expressing your own opinion to Ann you may not realize it but she has re-written the first amendment, “One person, one view, everyone else be quiet, while I wash my long, saggy, bleached blonde balls in the sink."
I wanna know what the single event or what person in Ann Coulter's life shaped her basic drive to express herself so strongly (aside from Adolf Hitler). We already know the event and people that compelled the grieving 9/11 widows in New York to express themselves (right or wrong). Tell us your story Ann, why so angry? Did daddy not give you a pony in sixth grade, because of taxes and poor people sucking him dry? Oh and they were people that didn't believe in Jesus to boot? Geesh, you know that would turn me into a cunt too.
Bottom line Ann, even though people tell you Jesus is mad at you for the time you ate out that chick to pledge into that sorority, he really isn’t. He’s mad that you ENJOYED it, you Adam’s apple having, turkey necked, homophobic super-douchecunt.
Fuck you Ann Coulter, you’re a true un-American douche.