Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Hey douchebag who showed up to work at the wilderness lodge in Alaska where I have worked for a year...It is a shame your parents did not teach you about respecting other people and their stuff you thieving used massengill douche bottle. It's a real shame (but not for me) that you ignored and didn't get the relationship I have with the owners of said lodge, cause remember the cost of that ticket you paid to get to Alaska? Sooner than you think, you will be winging your way back to the lower 48 where you belong, at your expense, hopefully before there is any damage to a guest’s enjoyment of their know the vacation you showed total disdain for because people pay so much for it and who would want to come here anyway? The one that will pay for your salary during your short stay with us? And why do the owners listen to me, BECAUSE DOUCHEBOY, they respect me and trust me and know I have the lodge’s interest at heart.

Douchebags like you are an insult to everyone who loves the place where I work and Alaska. Douchebags like you should be stopped at the border and taken to Gitmo as an affront to Americans everywhere. I would be more than happy to apply the torture myself. You are the type of American other countries can’t abide, including our own.

You won’t be here long, just long enough to show everyone what a true douche looks and acts like. And yes, douche, I DID lock up my food because you were helping yourself to it repeatedly - NOT to give other staffers additional room for their stuff as I had only taken up my share of cabinet space. And yes, summer’s eve replacement, I did an inventory of my frozen food in front of you so that you clearly knew that I knew what I had and will be checking it when I get back. And NO douche, you can’t use my laptop, my truck or anything else that belongs to me.

Much Love


PS…remember your douchy ways at the Hostel? I will be letting the owner know when you are fired and voila the place will be magically full. No room at this inn OR any hostel between here and Anchorage. Gee, guess douche contents flow uphill. Ain’t Karma a bitch?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Dear Criminal Douchebag,

One thousand apologies for upsetting you the other day with my harsh words and stoic demeanor. I understand you’re a misunderstood inmate who doesn’t deserve the life sentence you have been given and the only way you have of expressing yourself is to tell me to fuck my mother and threaten my life when I’m just trying to do my job. I know you’re only 25 years old and you only have about 50 years to think about what you did and how you have wasted your life but I must say I’m not going to lose any sleep over you. As a matter of fact, what’s your name again? Oh yeah, I remember, “Douchebag!”
