Dear douche who shoved me on the 7 train this morning,

So I understand that it was an ungodly 5:50 AM and a frigid tundra-ten degrees outside, and neither one of us was thrilled to be commuting under those conditions. I understand that you weren't pleased with my entry onto the subway car and the fact that my 20 lbs of Pilates gear crashed in to you as I boarded.
However, I really don't think this warrented the action you took of walking past me, rather, crashing in to me five calculated minutes later, nearly knocking me over and asking me "how do you like that shit bitch?" and continuing an ugly banter of how I was so wrong and rude?
Listen, we're all just trying to get around to where we need to be man. And honestly, had you moved your 300lb double wide away from the car doors just 1 or 2 feet (I'm not that big, even with tundra-force bundling) or better yet, had you stepped further INTO THE TRAIN, which was pretty fucking empty might I add, I would not have had to plow through you to board. And I did say excuse me, but obviously your gorilla parents who raised you didn't teach you the meaning of the phrase.
Please, for the betterment of straphangers citywide, move aside or inside and don't be such a fucking subway door whore, DOUCHE!!
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